September 10, 2024

Morpheus: VR Worlds

Case study

This post is an ode to the talent of our 3D artists. If you ever doubted VR is impressive, you should visit Morpheus XR. 

Gate is the welcome world. We did our best to make the first experience with Morpheus XR special. In Gate, all elements of the place are interactive. There’s grass growing around you as you walk through the place. You can touch and pop little jellyfish flying around you. If you look up, you’ll see Aurora Borealis shimmering in beautiful colors. 

After Gate, users go to their allocated spaces. They may have a team meeting at the beach, drink coffee in a stylish futuristic room, and brainstorm new product ideas while enjoying the sunset. In VR, you can do anything! So we went beyond typical office setups. More visuals of the beautiful VR worlds in the case study.

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